There’s good news for school gardens out there. FoodCorps and the Whole Kids Foundation have teamed up to offer a School Garden Grant Program – providing $2,000 grants to support up to 1,000 school garden projects across the country.
Seeds, shovels, irrigation equipment, hoop house materials…what could your local school use to help its garden grow?
If you know of a school in need, act fast. The deadline is December 31st to apply. Click here to read all the details.
Haven’t heard of FoodCorps? Think of it along the lines of an AmeriCorp aimed at helping kids stay healthy. FoodCorps places motivated leaders in limited-resource communities for a year of public service, where they:
Deliver hands-on nutrition education
Build and tend school gardens
Bring high-quality local food into public school cafeterias
As someone that grew up on tater tots, cardboard pizza and ice-cream sandwiches in our school’s cafeteria….I find it heartwarming to see that kids these days are given access to real food and the hands-on knowledge for how to grow it.
Good luck if you apply for a grant! Keep me posted.