Elaine-StoryU-SF-300x241I’m officially obsessed with storytelling. For more than a year now, I’ve been working with Get Storied, an advisory and training company dedicated to transformational storytelling. I recently had an opportunity to attend a live event we launched in San Francisco called StoryU. Read more the event and find out my top 7 Storytelling Takeaways here.

My wish is to bring this work more prevalently into philanthropy – helping donors, grantmakers and support organizations lead with captivating, actionable stories that leverage their good work.

In what ways is your foundation or organization sharing its story successfully? The field needs your ideas. Drop me a comment here or email elaine@fourwindswriting.com.

  • Virginia

    Hi Elaine, I am really interested to learn more about this. In fact, I am prepare for my mid-term review next semester for my thesis. I am planning to collaborating with my cousin to do a story about human traffic victims in Vietnam. My cousin is conducting a workshop (she has been there twice) to teach dance as therapy. She also works with a non-profit organization is SF. We are starting the brain storm pretty soon. Let’s talk.